american green tree frog care

American green tree frogs are a species native to the southeast United States, ranging from Florida to Virginia. These frogs are known for their bright green coloration, which helps them blend into their surroundings in the wild. They have a light white or cream-colored stripe from the side of the head down to the flanks. These small frogs are relatively easy to care for and make a great choice for both novice and experienced amphibian owners. It’s important to create and maintain the proper habitat for these frogs, which includes regular cleaning and maintenance.

In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know to about American Green Tree Frog care.

Core Insights To American Green Tree Frog Care:

  • American green tree frogs are native to the southeast United States.
  • They are known for their bright green coloration.
  • Creating and maintaining a suitable habitat is essential for their well-being.
  • Regular cleaning and maintenance are necessary to keep them healthy.
  • They make great pets for both novice and experienced amphibian owners.

Basic Information about American Green Tree Frogs

Commonly referred to as American green tree frogs, these amphibians belong to the species Hyla cinerea. They are small in size, reaching up to 2 1/2 inches in length. On average, they have a lifespan of 2 to 5 years. American green tree frogs have delicate skin, so handling should be minimized to avoid causing damage. These frogs are nocturnal, with males being particularly active and vocal at night. While they may not be cuddly pets, their unique appearance and behavior make them enjoyable to observe.

Setting Up the Perfect Habitat for American Green Tree Frogs

When it comes to creating a habitat for your American green tree frogs, providing them with a suitable terrarium is essential. To ensure their well-being and comfort, follow these key steps:

Selecting the Right Terrarium

Begin by choosing an appropriately sized tank for your American green tree frogs. A minimum of a 10-gallon tank is recommended, although larger tanks can also be used. Remember that the height of the tank is more important than the floor space, as these frogs are arboreal and spend most of their time in trees.

Adding Climbing Opportunities

Since American green tree frogs are arboreal creatures, they need plenty of climbing opportunities in their habitat. Include branches, live plants, or artificial vegetation for them to explore and rest on. Not only will this mimic their natural environment, but it will also provide them with physical stimulation and exercise.

Ensuring a Secure Enclosure

To prevent your American green tree frogs from escaping, make sure the enclosure has a secure mesh or wire cover. This will keep them safely contained while still allowing proper ventilation. Double-check that there are no gaps or openings that they could squeeze through.

Creating a proper habitat is crucial for the well-being of your American green tree frogs. By providing them with a suitable terrarium, climbing opportunities, and a secure enclosure, you can ensure they thrive in their new home.

Key Steps for Setting Up the Perfect Habitat
Choose an appropriately sized terrarium
Add climbing opportunities with branches and plants
Ensure a secure enclosure with a mesh or wire cover

Temperature and Humidity Requirements for American Green Tree Frogs

To ensure the health and well-being of your American green tree frogs, it’s crucial to provide the right temperature and humidity levels in their habitat. These factors play a significant role in their overall comfort and ability to thrive.

American green tree frogs prefer temperatures ranging from 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit (21 to 24 degrees Celsius). It’s important to maintain a thermal gradient within their enclosure, with a warm spot that doesn’t exceed 82 degrees Fahrenheit (28 degrees Celsius). This allows the frogs to regulate their body temperature and find their ideal comfort zone.

While these frogs are nocturnal and do not require specific lighting, considering a UVB fluorescent light tube can be beneficial for their calcium metabolism. This helps support their overall bone health and development.

When it comes to humidity, it’s essential to maintain appropriate levels to mimic their natural habitat. During the day, humidity should be around 50 to 60 percent, providing a comfortable environment for your frogs. However, humidity levels need to increase at nighttime to 80 to 100 percent. This higher humidity level helps prevent dehydration and promotes healthy skin and shedding.

To achieve the desired humidity levels, regular misting of the enclosure is recommended. You can also use automated misters or foggers to maintain consistent humidity throughout the day and night. This keeps the moisture level in their habitat stable, reducing the risk of stress or respiratory issues.


By monitoring and maintaining suitable temperature and humidity levels, you can ensure the well-being and comfort of your American green tree frogs. Providing a habitat that closely mimics their natural environment is essential for their overall health and happiness.

Proper Feeding and Diet for American Green Tree Frogs

American green tree frogs have specific dietary requirements to ensure their health and well-being. As insectivorous creatures, their diet primarily consists of various insects. Providing a diverse range of insects will help meet their nutritional needs and keep them satisfied.

So, what do American green tree frogs eat?

Their diet should include:

  • Crickets
  • Fruit flies
  • Houseflies
  • Ants
  • Moths
  • Worms

Offering a variety of insect choices will help mimic their natural diet and keep them engaged during feedings.

But wait, there’s more to consider…

Before offering these insects to your American green tree frogs, it’s crucial to gut-load them. Gut-loading involves feeding the insects a nutritious and protein-rich diet before they become frog food. This ensures that the frogs receive adequate nutrition from their prey.

And there’s one more essential step…

Dusting the insects with a calcium and multivitamin supplement a couple of times a week is highly recommended. This helps provide the necessary vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in the insect prey.

Feeding Frequency

The feeding frequency varies based on the size of the frogs. Smaller frogs may require daily feedings, while larger frogs can be fed every other day. It’s important to monitor their weight and adjust the feeding schedule accordingly to prevent obesity, as overfeeding can be detrimental to their health.


Feeding your American green tree frogs a proper diet will contribute to their overall health, vitality, and longevity. Keep them well-fed and satisfied, and they’ll reward you with their charming presence and fascinating behaviors.

Cleaning and Maintenance of the American Green Tree Frog Habitat

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial for ensuring a healthy environment for your American green tree frogs. By following a few simple steps, you can keep their habitat clean and hygienic, promoting their overall well-being.

First, it’s important to clean the entire enclosure thoroughly at least once a week. This includes removing all items, such as branches, plants, and hides, and cleaning them with hot water. Avoid using soap or any cleaning agents, as they can be harmful to the frogs.

The tank itself should be cleaned with hot water as well, ensuring all surfaces are free from dirt, debris, and waste. If using substrates, such as reptile carpeting or coconut fiber mats, washable liners are recommended for easy cleaning and maintenance.

To monitor humidity levels, use a hygrometer in the enclosure. This helps ensure that your American green tree frogs are living in the appropriate humidity range, promoting their health and well-being. Regular misting or using automated misters/foggers can help maintain the proper humidity levels.

By dedicating a small amount of time each week to cleaning and maintenance, you can provide a clean and safe habitat for your American green tree frogs. This not only benefits their health but also enhances their overall quality of life.

Cleaning and Maintenance Tips for the American Green Tree Frog Habitat
Remove all items from the enclosure
Clean items with hot water
Avoid using soap or cleaning agents
Clean the tank with hot water
Use washable liners for ease of cleaning
Monitor humidity levels with a hygrometer
Maintain proper humidity through misting or automated misters/foggers

Common Health Issues and Vet Care for American Green Tree Frogs

American green tree frogs are generally hardy amphibians, but they are still susceptible to certain health issues. It is important for frog owners to be aware of common ailments and provide the necessary care to keep their pets healthy and thriving.

Common Health Issues

Some of the most common health issues that American green tree frogs may experience include:

  • Bacterial and fungal infections of the skin and eyes
  • Respiratory infections

These health issues can cause discomfort and can potentially be fatal if left untreated. It is crucial to monitor your frog for any signs of illness and take appropriate action.

Some symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Pus or discharge from the skin or eyes
  • Swelling or redness
  • Wheezing or difficulty breathing
  • Drooling
  • Lethargy

If you notice any of these symptoms in your American green tree frog, it is important to seek the assistance of a qualified veterinarian who specializes in reptiles and amphibians.

Veterinary Care

Regular veterinary care is essential to maintaining the health of your American green tree frog. It is recommended to schedule routine check-ups with a reptile and amphibian veterinarian who can provide thorough examinations and preventive care.

Fecal examinations and ammonia testing should be conducted regularly to detect and prevent parasitic infections and ammonia poisoning, which can be harmful to the frog’s health.

It is important to choose a veterinarian who has experience and knowledge in treating amphibians, as they have specific care requirements and may require specialized treatment for certain health issues.

Comparative Overview of Common Health Issues in American Green Tree Frogs

Health IssueSymptomsTreatment
Bacterial and Fungal InfectionsPus or discharge from the skin or eyes, swelling, rednessAntibiotics, antifungal medications, and wound cleaning
Respiratory InfectionsWheezing, difficulty breathingAntibiotics, supportive care

Proper veterinary care is crucial for maintaining the well-being and health of your American green tree frog. Regular check-ups, prompt treatment, and preventive measures can help keep your frog happy and thriving.

Tips for Choosing and Acquiring American Green Tree Frogs

When considering an American green tree frog as a pet, it’s crucial to acquire them from reputable breeders to ensure their health and well-being. Wild-caught frogs can carry diseases or health issues, and their removal from natural habitats can contribute to the decline and extinction of wild populations. To find captive-bred American green tree frogs, explore local breeders, exotics veterinarians, and reptile expos.

When selecting a frog, look for an active and alert individual with clear eyes and healthy-looking skin. Avoid frogs that appear lethargic, have difficulty breathing, or have bloated abdomens, as these may indicate underlying health problems.

Choose your American green tree frog wisely – an active, alert, and healthy candidate will make a great addition to your home!

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Final Remarks

Providing proper care for American green tree frogs is crucial to ensure their well-being and longevity. By understanding their needs and taking the necessary steps to meet them, you can create a suitable habitat that mimics their natural environment. Maintaining the ideal temperature and humidity levels, providing a balanced diet, and monitoring their health are key aspects of responsible frog care.

When it comes to the diet of American green tree frogs, it’s important to offer a variety of nutritious insects such as crickets, fruit flies, and moths. Gut-loading the insects with a high-protein diet and supplementing them with calcium and multivitamins ensures that your frogs receive the necessary nutrients for optimal health.

Remember to source American green tree frogs from reputable breeders to support ethical practices and avoid contributing to the decline of wild populations. By following these guidelines and providing the care and attention these unique amphibians need, you can enjoy the companionship of American green tree frogs while ensuring their well-being for years to come.


How big do American green tree frogs get?

American green tree frogs are small in size, reaching up to 2 1/2 inches in length.

What is the lifespan of American green tree frogs?

On average, American green tree frogs have a lifespan of 2 to 5 years.

Are American green tree frogs easy to care for?

Yes, American green tree frogs are relatively easy to care for and make a great choice for both novice and experienced amphibian owners.

What should I include in the habitat for American green tree frogs?

It’s important to provide a suitable terrarium for American green tree frogs, including climbing opportunities in the form of branches, live plants, or artificial vegetation. A secure mesh or wire cover is also necessary to prevent escape.

What temperature range do American green tree frogs need?

American green tree frogs thrive at temperatures ranging from 70 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit, with a warm spot not exceeding 82 degrees Fahrenheit.

How do I maintain the humidity levels for American green tree frogs?

Humidity should be maintained around 50 to 60 percent during the day and increase to 80 to 100 percent at nighttime. Regular misting or the use of automated misters/foggers can help maintain the required humidity levels.

What do American green tree frogs eat?

American green tree frogs are insectivorous and primarily feed on insects such as crickets, fruit flies, houseflies, ants, moths, and worms.

How often should I clean the American green tree frog enclosure?

The enclosure should be cleaned thoroughly once a week, removing all items and cleaning them with hot water. Soap should not be used. The tank and bedding should also be cleaned with hot water, and washable liners such as reptile carpeting or coconut fiber mats should be used.

What are common health issues in American green tree frogs?

Common health issues in American green tree frogs include bacterial and fungal infections of the skin and eyes, as well as respiratory infections. Regular fecal examinations and ammonia testing are recommended to prevent parasitic infections and ammonia poisoning.

Where can I find American green tree frogs for sale?

American green tree frogs can be found from reputable breeders, local exotics veterinarians, and reptile expos. Avoid purchasing wild-caught frogs to protect wild populations.

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