red eye tetra

Welcome to our comprehensive Red Eye Tetra care guide! If you’re looking to add a touch of vibrancy to your freshwater aquarium, the Red Eye Tetra is an excellent choice. These small and peaceful shoaling fish are not only visually stunning with their shimmering silver bodies and vibrant red eyes, but they are also incredibly easy to care for. In this guide, we will provide you with all the information you need to ensure the health and happiness of your Red Eye Tetras.

Aquarium Insights:

  • Red Eye Tetras are colorful and peaceful freshwater fish that make a beautiful addition to any aquarium.
  • These vibrant fish are shoaling species and thrive in schools of six or more.
  • Proper <strong>tank size water parameters and a balanced diet are essential for the well-being of Red Eye Tetras.
  • Red Eye Tetras can be kept with other peaceful fish in a community tank.
  • By providing a suitable environment and addressing any health issues promptly, you can ensure a long and happy life for your Red Eye Tetras.

Appearance and Behavior of Red Eye Tetras

Red Eye Tetras are known for their striking appearance. They have a shimmery silver body with a black tail and, as their name suggests, vibrant red eyes. These fish are active and playful, often darting around the middle section of the aquarium. They are peaceful and shoaling by nature, so it is best to keep them in schools of six or more. Red Eye Tetras add a dynamic energy to a freshwater aquarium and get along well with other peaceful fish.

Red Eye Tetra Appearance

Body ColorShimmery silver
Tail ColorBlack
Eye ColorVibrant red
SizeApproximately 2.75 inches
BehaviorActive, playful, shoaling

Keeping Red Eye Tetras in schools of six or more is important as they are shoaling fish. Being among their own kind creates a sense of security and reduces stress. By swimming together, they form a beautiful spectacle as they move in synchronized patterns, enhancing the overall visual appeal of your aquarium. Red Eye Tetras are also peaceful, making them compatible with other peaceful fish species in a community tank.

Red Eye Tetra

Investing in Red Eye Tetras allows you to enjoy their vibrant colors and playful behavior, transforming your freshwater aquarium into a captivating underwater world.

Tank Size and Water Parameters for Red Eye Tetras

To ensure the well-being of your Red Eye Tetras, it’s important to provide them with an adequately sized aquarium. These vibrant freshwater fish require space to swim and thrive. It is recommended to have a tank size of 20 gallons or larger for Red Eye Tetras, as they are relatively larger tetras compared to some other species.

When setting up the aquarium, create a dimly lit environment by using dark substrate and providing plant cover along the sides and back of the tank. This will simulate the natural habitat of Red Eye Tetras and make them feel more comfortable.

Red Eye Tetras are tolerant of a wide range of water conditions, but it’s best to maintain specific water parameters for their optimal health. Aim for a pH level between 5.5 and 8.5, a hardness level of up to 25 dGH, and a temperature ranging from 73 to 82°F. These parameters will closely mimic their natural habitat and ensure their well-being.

Regular water changes are essential for maintaining water quality in the aquarium. Replace 25 to 50% of the water every other week to keep the water clean and free from harmful substances that can affect the health of your Red Eye Tetras.

Water ParameterIdeal Range
pH5.5 – 8.5
Hardness (dGH)Up to 25
Temperature (°F)73 – 82

Key Takeaways:

  • Provide an adequately sized aquarium, with 20 gallons or larger, for Red Eye Tetras.
  • Create a dimly lit environment with dark substrate and plant cover.
  • Maintain pH levels between 5.5 and 8.5, hardness up to 25 dGH, and a temperature of 73 to 82°F.
  • Perform regular water changes, replacing 25 to 50% of the water every other week.

Your Red Eye Tetras will thrive in a well-maintained aquarium with the right tank size and water parameters. By providing a suitable habitat, you can ensure the health and happiness of these vibrant freshwater fish.

Red Eye Tetra

Red Eye Tetra Diet and Feeding

Ensuring a balanced diet is crucial for the health and well-being of your Red Eye Tetras. Being omnivorous fish, they require a variety of foods to meet their nutritional needs. Offering a combination of quality flake food, small granules, and frozen or freeze-dried foods will provide them with a diverse diet.

Here are some food options that you can include in your Red Eye Tetra’s diet:

  • Live or Frozen Foods: Brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex, and bloodworms are excellent choices for feeding your Red Eye Tetras. These protein-rich foods mimic their natural diet in the wild and promote their overall health.
  • Flake Food: High-quality flake food formulated specifically for tetras should be a staple in their diet. Look for flake food that contains a blend of proteins, vitamins, and minerals to ensure a well-rounded meal for your Red Eye Tetras.
  • Vegetables: Adding vegetables to their diet can provide essential nutrients and variety. You can include blanched spinach or other leafy greens to supplement their diet.
  • Frozen or Freeze-Dried Foods: In addition to live foods, frozen or freeze-dried options like brine shrimp and bloodworms can be a convenient and nutritious choice for your Red Eye Tetras. These foods retain most of their nutritional value and offer a natural feeding experience for your fish.

It is essential to establish a feeding schedule and portion control to maintain the health of your Red Eye Tetras. Feed them small amounts two to three times a day, making sure that they can consume the food within three minutes. Overfeeding can lead to health problems and water quality issues, so it is important to avoid excessive feeding.

Providing a varied and balanced diet will enhance the vibrant colors and overall well-being of your Red Eye Tetras. Remember to observe their feeding habits and adjust the diet accordingly to ensure their optimal health.

Red Eye Tetra Behavior and Tank Mates

Red Eye Tetras are peaceful and active fish that thrive in a community tank. Their peaceful nature makes them compatible with a variety of fish species, allowing you to create a harmonious and vibrant aquarium environment. When selecting tank mates for your Red Eye Tetras, consider their shoaling behavior and the need for companionship.

In a community tank, Red Eye Tetras get along well with other tetras, such as Neon Tetras and Cardinal Tetras. These colorful fish create a stunning visual display when kept together. Rainbowfish, barbs, danios, and larger rasboras also make suitable tank mates for Red Eye Tetras, adding a touch of diversity to your aquarium.

It is important to be mindful of the characteristics of potential tank mates. Red Eye Tetras may nip at the fins of slow-moving, long-finned fish, such as Angelfish or Bettas. Therefore, it is best to avoid pairing them with these species to prevent unnecessary stress and fin damage.

Peaceful bottom-dwelling fish, like Corydoras Catfish and Otocinclus, make excellent tank mates for Red Eye Tetras. These bottom feeders occupy a different niche in the aquarium, reducing competition for food and territory. The combination of top- and bottom-dwelling fish creates a visually engaging and dynamic tank layout.

To create a well-balanced community tank, provide plenty of hiding places and ample swimming space. Hiding places, such as plantsrocks, and driftwood, offer refuge and help reduce aggression between fish. Dense vegetation, such as Java Moss or Amazon Sword, provides cover for fish and creates a natural environment reminiscent of their native habitat.

By carefully selecting tank mates and creating an enriching aquarium environment, you can ensure the well-being and compatibility of your Red Eye Tetras, resulting in a peaceful and diverse community tank.

Tank MatesCompatibility
Neon TetrasYes
Cardinal TetrasYes
Corydoras CatfishYes
Red Eye Tetra

Breeding Red Eye Tetras

Breeding Red Eye Tetras can be a rewarding experience. These beautiful fish add a new dimension to your aquarium and provide you with the opportunity to witness the fascinating process of reproduction. Setting up a separate breeding tank with suitable conditions is essential to ensure the success of the breeding process.

When preparing a breeding tank for Red Eye Tetras, it is important to focus on specific water parameters that mimic their natural habitat. Aim for slightly acidic water with a pH level ranging from 5.5 to 6.5. Additionally, maintain very soft water with a dGH (general hardness) of 4 or below. Red Eye Tetras prefer these conditions for spawning.

To encourage successful spawning, provide hiding places in the breeding tank. This can be achieved by incorporating clumps of spawning mops or Java moss into the environment. These hiding spots give the fish a sense of security and replicate the natural spawning conditions they would experience in the wild.

Temperature plays a crucial role in the breeding process. Ideally, maintain a temperature range of 80 to 84°F in the breeding tank. This temperature range stimulates breeding behavior and increases the chances of successful reproduction.

When selecting breeding Red Eye Tetras, ensure you have a compatible breeding pair or a small group of individuals capable of forming pair bonds. Condition the breeding fish with live foods to enhance their reproductive readiness.

Transfer the breeding pair or group to the breeding tank in the evening, as spawning typically occurs the following morning. Keep a watchful eye on the tank and observe the spawning activity closely.

After spawning is complete, it is crucial to remove the adult fish from the breeding tank to prevent them from consuming the eggs. Red Eye Tetra eggs hatch within a few days, and the fry need space to grow and develop.

By following these guidelines, you can have the joy of breeding your own Red Eye Tetras and witnessing the incredible journey from spawning to fry. Breeding these fish not only adds excitement to your aquarium hobby but also allows you to contribute to the conservation of this beautiful species.

Common Diseases and Health Issues in Red Eye Tetras

Red Eye Tetras are generally hardy fish, but they can still be susceptible to diseases and health issues. One common disease that affects them is ich, also known as white spot disease.

Ich is a parasitic infection caused by the protozoan parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis. It manifests as small white spots, resembling grains of salt, on the fish’s body, fins, and gills. If left untreated, ich can be fatal for your Red Eye Tetras.

To keep your Red Eye Tetras healthy and disease-free, it is essential to maintain proper aquarium conditions and provide a balanced diet:

  • Perform regular water changes to remove pollutants and maintain water quality.
  • Maintain appropriate water parameters, including temperature, pH level, and water hardness, within the recommended range for Red Eye Tetras.
  • Ensure a well-balanced diet consisting of high-quality flake food, pellets, and occasional live or frozen foods. This will provide essential nutrients to boost their immune system and overall health.

If you notice any signs of disease, such as white spots or abnormal behavior, it is crucial to take immediate action:

  1. Isolate the affected fish in a separate quarantine tank to prevent the spread of the disease.
  2. Treat the fish with appropriate medications specifically designed to target the identified disease. Follow the instructions provided by the medication manufacturer and consult a veterinarian if needed.
  3. While treating the infected fish, continue to monitor the main aquarium closely for any signs of disease and address the root cause, such as poor water quality or inadequate nutrition.

Regular aquarium maintenance, including filter cleaning, substrate vacuuming, and water parameter monitoring, is crucial for preventing and managing diseases. By ensuring a clean and stable aquarium environment, you can promote the health and well-being of your Red Eye Tetras.

Setting Up an Ideal Environment for Red Eye Tetras

Red Eye Tetras thrive in an aquarium that mimics their natural habitat. By creating an ideal environment, you can provide these vibrant fish with the conditions they need to flourish.

Aquarium Setup

When setting up the aquarium for your Red Eye Tetras, consider the following factors:

  1. Tank Size: Provide ample space for your Red Eye Tetras to swim and explore. A tank size of at least 20 gallons is recommended to accommodate their active nature.
  2. Tank Decorations: Add plenty of plants, such as floating plants or those with broad leaves, to create areas for exploration and cover. Driftwood and rocks also provide hiding places, mimicking their natural habitat.
  3. Substrate: Choose a dark substrate, such as river gravel or dark sand, to simulate the riverbeds where Red Eye Tetras are commonly found.
  4. Lighting: Opt for dim lighting to replicate the subdued lighting conditions of their native environment. This will help to bring out the vibrant colors of the fish.
  5. Water Current: Avoid strong water currents in the tank, as Red Eye Tetras prefer slow-moving water. Use a filter with adjustable flow or baffles to create calm areas.

Recommended Tank Setup for Red Eye Tetras

Tank SizeAt least 20 gallons
Tank Decorations– Plenty of plants, including floating plants and those with broad leaves
– Driftwood and rocks for hiding places
SubstrateDark substrate, such as river gravel or dark sand
LightingDim lighting to bring out vibrant colors
Water CurrentAvoid strong currents with adjustable flow or baffles

Creating a visually appealing and comfortable habitat for Red Eye Tetras will not only enhance their well-being but also allow you to fully appreciate their vibrant colors and active nature.

Note: The image above showcases an example of a beautiful Red Eye Tetra in an aquarium setup.

Red Eye Tetra Lifespan and Size

The Red Eye Tetra is a tropical fish known for its striking appearance and vibrant red eyes. If you’re considering adding this beautiful species to your aquarium, it’s essential to understand their lifespan and average size to provide them with the best care possible.

The average lifespan of Red Eye Tetras is around five years, but with proper care and suitable living conditions, they can live even longer. Creating a healthy environment, maintaining water parameters, providing a balanced diet, and addressing any health issues promptly will contribute to the longevity of your Red Eye Tetras.

LifespanAverage lifespan of around five years
Average sizeAdult Red Eye Tetras reach a size of about 2.75 inches

By keeping in mind the lifespan and size of Red Eye Tetras, you can plan and create an ideal living environment to promote their well-being. Remember, providing a suitable habitat, proper nutrition, and attentive care will enhance the growth and longevity of these fascinating tropical fish.

Key Points:

  • The average lifespan of Red Eye Tetras is around five years.
  • With proper care and suitable living conditions, they can live even longer.
  • Adult Red Eye Tetras typically reach a size of about 2.75 inches.

Should You Choose Red Eye Tetras for Your Aquarium?

Red Eye Tetras are an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced fishkeepers. These vibrant and peaceful community fish can add a lively touch to your aquarium with their stunning colors and playful nature.

Red Eye Tetras are known for their vibrant colors, with shimmering silver bodies and striking red eyes. Their vibrant hues can create a visually appealing and dynamic display in your tank.

These fish are also beginner-friendly, making them perfect for new aquarium enthusiasts. They are relatively easy to care for and can adapt well to various water conditions.

To ensure the optimal health and happiness of your Red Eye Tetras, it’s important to consider the tank size, water parameters, and compatibility with other fish in your aquarium.

  • Tank Size: Red Eye Tetras require a minimum tank size of 20 gallons to accommodate their active nature and the shoaling behavior they exhibit when kept in schools of six or more.
  • Water Parameters: While Red Eye Tetras are tolerant of a range of water conditions, it is essential to maintain a pH level of 5.5 to 8.5, hardness up to 25 dGH, and a temperature of 73 to 82°F.
  • Tank Mates: Red Eye Tetras are peaceful community fish and get along well with other peaceful fish species that are similar in size. Avoid keeping them with fin-nipping or aggressive fish.

With proper care and attention, Red Eye Tetras can provide years of enjoyment and beauty in your aquarium.

Table: Tank Size and Water Parameters for Red Eye Tetras

Tank SizeWater Parameters
Minimum of 20 gallonspH level: 5.5-8.5
Hardness: up to 25 dGH
Temperature: 73-82°F

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Final Remarks

In brief, the Red Eye Tetra is a stunning and easy-to-care-for fish that can enhance the beauty of any freshwater aquarium. These vibrant and peaceful fish are a great choice for both beginners and experienced aquarium enthusiasts. By providing the right tank size, water parameters, and a balanced diet, you can ensure the health and happiness of your Red Eye Tetras.

It is important to maintain a peaceful community tank environment, as Red Eye Tetras thrive when kept with compatible fish. Regular monitoring for signs of disease is crucial to prevent and address any health issues promptly. Creating a well-balanced and aesthetically pleasing aquarium with plenty of hiding places and space to swim will showcase the vibrant colors and playful behavior of these fascinating fish.

With their striking appearance and easygoing nature, Red Eye Tetras bring life and vibrancy to any home aquarium. Their ease of care and adaptability make them an excellent addition to tropical fish tanks. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced aquarist, the Red Eye Tetra is sure to captivate and delight you as you create a thriving aquatic ecosystem in your home.


What is the appearance and behavior of Red Eye Tetras?

Red Eye Tetras have a shimmery silver body with a black tail and vibrant red eyes. They are active, playful, and shoaling fish that bring energy to a freshwater aquarium. They get along well with other peaceful fish.

What tank size and water parameters are suitable for Red Eye Tetras?

Red Eye Tetras prefer a tank size of 20 gallons or larger. They thrive in a dimly lit tank with dark substrate and plant cover. They tolerate a wide range of water conditions but prefer a pH level of 5.5 to 8.5, hardness up to 25 dGH, and a temperature of 73 to 82°F. Regular water changes are necessary for their health.

What is the diet and feeding schedule for Red Eye Tetras?

Red Eye Tetras are omnivores and require a varied diet. They can be fed quality flake food, small granules, and frozen or freeze-dried foods. Provide a variety of foods, including live or frozen brine shrimp, daphnia, tubifex, and bloodworms. Feed them small amounts two to three times a day, ensuring they can consume the food within three minutes.

Can Red Eye Tetras be kept with other fish in the same tank?

Yes, Red Eye Tetras are peaceful and do well in a community tank. They are compatible with other tetras, rainbowfish, barbs, danios, larger rasboras, and peaceful bottom-dwelling fish. However, monitor any slow-moving, long-finned fish, as the Red Eye Tetras may nip at their fins.

How can I breed Red Eye Tetras?

To breed Red Eye Tetras, set up a separate breeding tank with slightly acidic and soft water. Provide hiding places like clumps of spawning mops or Java moss. Condition a breeding pair or small group with live foods, transfer them to the breeding tank, and monitor for spawning. Remove the adults once spawning is complete to protect the eggs.

What are the common diseases and health issues in Red Eye Tetras?

Red Eye Tetras can be susceptible to diseases such as ich, which shows as white spots on their bodies. Maintaining water quality, proper water parameters, and a balanced diet can help prevent most health issues. If a disease occurs, isolate the affected fish and treat them with appropriate medications.

How can I set up an ideal environment for Red Eye Tetras?

Provide plenty of plants, driftwood, and rocks for hiding places. Use a dark substrate and dim lighting to simulate their natural habitat. Avoid strong water currents, as Red Eye Tetras prefer slow-moving water. Arrange tank decorations to showcase their vibrant colors and activity.

What is the lifespan and size of Red Eye Tetras?

The average lifespan of Red Eye Tetras is around five years. They typically reach a size of about 2.75 inches. By maintaining a healthy environment and addressing any health issues, their lifespan and size can be enhanced.

Are Red Eye Tetras a suitable choice for my aquarium?

Red Eye Tetras are an excellent choice for both beginner and experienced fishkeepers. They are easy to care for, peaceful, and add vibrant colors to a community tank. Consider the tank size, water parameters, and compatibility with other fish before adding Red Eye Tetras to your aquarium.

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